Mercaz -- Where?
Classroom instruction occurs in the Mosaic Law Administration Building.
Our Kindergarten / First Grade combination meets in Room 8.
Our Second Grade meets in Room 1.
Our Third / Fourth Grade combination meets in Room 2.
Our Fifth / Sixth Grade combination meets in 3.
Our Seventh Grade meets in Room 7.
Midrasha meets in the Administration Building.
Tot Shabbat and Minyan Katan meet in the Administration Building.
Our Sunday Tefillah / Prayer Service meets in the Sanctuary in the Sanctuary Building.
Our Wednesday Tefillah / Prayer Service meets in the Chapel in the Administration Building.
High Holy Day programming for ages 0-4 takes place in the Administration Bulding in Room 8.
High Holy Day programming for age 5-8 and for ages 9-12 takes place in the Grand Hall of The Center.
Sukkot programming takes place in the Mosaic Law Sukkah.
Simchat Torah services are held in the Main Sanctuary.
The location of other children’s services varies, sometimes in the chapel, sometimes in the Youth Lounge, and sometimes in the Sanctuary Building. Locations will be shared as they are finalized.