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Mercaz -- FAQ

Attendance: Regular attendance is the best way for students to connect with their peers and the greater MLC community, and for them to build and strengthen their Jewish identities. Being on time is also important, both on Sundays and on Wednesdays. After two absences, families will be contacted so that we can find out how to best support regular attendance. Please notify the Director if you know that a child will be absent.


Behavior: Many of our behavioral standards are based in the values learned in our Shalom Learning Program. Todah / Thankfulness leads to treating adults and peers with politeness and manners. B’Tzelem Elohim / Seeing everyone as being in the Image of God leads to treating others with honor, with respect, and as having great value. It removes our differences, as we are all in the same Image, making no one better than anyone else. Shalom/ Peace leads to resolution of conflicts and to seeing past our differences of opinion so that we can find common ground. Koach HaDibbur/ The Power of Words makes us think carefully before we speak, deciding first if our words will hurt or will heal, whether they drive us apart or bring us together. Ba’al Tashchit/ Not being wasteful teaches us to be careful with our books, papers, supplies, and other resources, and to keep our classroom, synagogue, chapel, sanctuary, and grounds clean. Achrayut/ Responsibility to people and to our world moves us from thinking only of ourselves, and into thinking about what we can do to make it better for others. It leads us to cooperate and to try to lift others and be inclusive instead of exclusionary. Hakarat HaTov/ Recognizing the good helps us to look past first impressions and to let go of anger while focusing on the positive. It helps us to encourage and support each other in our actions and our words. Hachnasat Orchim/ Being Welcoming inspires us to do all we can to make our classrooms and services warm and comfortable places for everyone. HaShavat Aveidah/ returning lost objects keeps us from being selfish or from placing our needs above wanting to make others whole and happy. Ometz Lev/ courage of the heart and Gevurah/ using one’s inner and outer strength help us to stand up for ourselves and for others rather than stand idly by when we or others are being treated unjustly. As our students put these values into practice, and are recognized for doing so, their behaviors become a wonderful reflection of our basic Jewish values, and they learn to see that our values are not only important at Mercaz or MLC, but everywhere and in all aspects of the interactions in the world.

Should attention need to be called to students’ behavior, teachers will first try to keep the discussion and action plan within the classroom. If further attention is needed, the Director will be brought into the discussion and parents will be notified of the situation, while being asked for support in creating a solution. If the concern persists, a group meeting with teacher, student, parent, and Director will be held.

Bullying or physicality will require immediate intervention. We want all students to feel safe, and to be safe.


Cell Phones: If students need to have a cell phone with them during school hours, we require them to turn off their phones for the entire time they are in class or in the chapel or sanctuary, and to leave them indoors during outside recess time to keep them safe. In case of an emergency, parents should call the office 916-488-1122. 


Classroom Visits: We are delighted to have parents or grandparents visit their students’ classrooms during the school year. However, to avoid disruption of classroom routines and instruction, we ask that requests be made in advance. Please arrange your visit with the Director of Education and Youth, who will consult with the teacher. When you arrive for your visit, please check in with the Director, who will provide you with a written authorization to bring to class. Children who are not members of our program but who wish to visit, or whose friend wishes them to visit, must get prior approval from the Director in advance. Once arrangements have been made, the same policy applies regarding visitors checking in with the Director and receiving written authorization to being to the classroom.


Clothing: We ask that students be mindful of the appropriate tone and atmosphere for Jewish study in a synagogue setting. We ask that all who come to Mercaz refrain from wearing revealing clothing, and that clothing be devoid or vulgar, offensive, obscene, or inflammatory messages. Sports uniforms are acceptable as long as they meet these guidelines, although cleats should be replaced by other athletic or other shoes.

Boys are required, and girls are encouraged, to wear kippot. We have many available for those who do not come with one.


Communication: This occurs on three levels. One level: Information from the office will be shared with families via targeted emails, general synagogue emails, phone calls, social media platforms, and the old standards – in the hall and in the parking lot. A second level: Communication with office staff is best done by emails to Families can also call the office at 916-488-1122, et. 117. Please leave a message if no one is available. If families discuss or make requests in the hall, or the parking lot, or at services or Kiddush lunch, it is always best to follow up with an email or phone call. A third level: Communicate within the family. Engage in discussion in the car, at the table for a meal, or wherever works best for you. Ask lots of question: What was the best thing that happened today? the funniest? the easiest? the hardest? What did you / do you still have questions about? What was one thing you did really well?


Early Dismissal: For security reasons, if your child needs to leave Mercaz early, a parent or authorized emergency contact must fill out an early release form in the office and present it to the teacher at the time of pick-up. No child will be allowed to leave campus without this written notice, as well as the Director and teacher being made aware.


Family Participation: To be effective, Jewish education must be a partnership between school and home. How can you help? Show an interest in what your child is doing at Mercaz. Ask your children about what has been happening in class, and go over the papers or projects that come home Sign up as a volunteer for one or more of our special events. Donate to help to fund one of our events Bring your children to Mercaz regularly and on time. Honor your children’s teachers. Join the Education Committee. Purchase Mishloach Manot baskets. Attend services and sit together. Remember, you are the best example. If you are looking for opportunities to get involved, at whatever level you feel you are ready, just ask!!


Fees: We at MLC strongly believe that finances should not limit access to Jewish education, nor to a feeling of belonging in our MLC community. If needed, please contact the Director of Education and Youth, who will help to guide you through the financial assistance process.


Security: A security guard will be at the parking lot entrance for every class session, from fifteen minutes before the session to half an hour after. The guard will check for your MLC parking sticker, or for your name to be on the list. Please cooperate by pointing to your sticker if you have one; if you do not have one, please check with office staff. If you arrive before the guard has arrived, you may use our gate code to enter. If you do not have the code, please check with the office to obtain it.

The guard is on duty for site security, monitoring those who come into the parking lot. The guard is not on duty to monitor parking lot behavior. Therefore we ask the adults bringing or picking up students to supervise their behavior, keeping them mindful of moving cars and being careful around all vehicles that are parked.


Snacks: We understand that many of our students who come on Wednesdays are hungry after their day at school, and that many come on Sunday without having had breakfast first. It seems that at some point all of them are hungry. We provide snacks in the office for students to eat during their recess breaks, outside of their classrooms. All snacks are hechshered as kosher. If your child has special dietary requirements and you would like to keep a supply of bulk non-perishable snacks at MLC for your child to have instead of what is supplied, please make arrangements with the Director and we will accommodate that need. As will all snacks coming in, they should be in sealed, unopened packaging and have an approved kosher certification symbol on the package.


What else? More questions are likely to come up as the school year progresses. Use this space to write them down, and feel free to email or call the Director for answers. Perhaps your concern will prompt an update to be added to future editions of this manual!

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