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Click the link below to add a Greeting to the annual Sisterhood Directory, or to update your contact information in it, or to pay Sisterhood dues.

We need ushers/greeters to make our High Holy Day experience run smoothly. Click below to sign up to join our ushering crew.

High Holy Days

Mosaic Law Congregation welcomes you to share the High Holy Days with Rabbi Ben Herman and Cantor Noah Rachels. Please review the schedule and contact the office with any questions. 

Shanah Tovah!


The High Holy Day forms can be found on this page. You may download it, complete it and email it to Coral Wilson.  Don't forget to click the associated payment form. You may also download any of the forms and mail them to the office. 

(If you don't have Adobe Acrobat Reader on your computer, click here to download it.)

Saturday, September 28  @8:30 pm

Saturday, September 28 @10:30 pm


Wednesday, October 2 @8:00 pm Thursday, October 3 @8:30 am

@10:00 am

@10:00 am

@11:00 am​

Immediately after Sermon

   Friday, October 4 @8:30 am

@10:00 am

@10:00 am

@11:00 am

  Immediately after Sermon

@6:00 pm

Shabbat, October 5 @9:00 am


 Sunday, October 6 @9:00 am

@11:00 am

@5:00 pm

Friday, October 11 @6:15 pm

Shabbat, October 12 @8:00 am

@10:00 am

@10:00 am

@11:00 am

            Immediately after Sermon ~@11:00 am

  @4:15 pm

  @5:30 pm

@7:00 pm

@7:11 pm


   Sunday, October 13 @10:00  am

Wednesday, October 16 @6:00 pm

Thursday, October 17 @9:00 am

Immediately after services

Friday, October 18 @9:00 am

Immediately after services


Shabbat, October 19 @9:00 am

Immediately after services

Sunday, October 20 @9:00 am

@2:00 pm - 4:00 pm


Monday, October 21 @8:30 am

@5:30 pm

Tuesday, October 22 @8:30 am

@5:30 pm

 Wednesday, October 23 @8:30 am

@6:00 pm

Thursday, October 24 @9:00 am

~@11:00 am

@6:15 pm

Friday, October 25 @9:00 am

@6:00 pm

Shabbat, October 26 @9:00 am

Sunday, October 27 @10:00 am

Selichot Program (KOH)

Selichot Service (Sanctuary)

Erev Rosh HaShanah 

Rosh HaShanah Day 1     

Family Services for ages 0-4 (Room 8)

Family Services for ages 9-12 (Grand Hall)

Family Services for ages 5-8 (Grand Hall)

USY Services (Chapel)


2nd Day Rosh HaShanah     

Family Services for ages 0-4 (Room 8)

Family Services for ages 9-12 (Grand Hall)

Family Services for ages 5-8 (Grand Hall)

USY Services (Chapel)

Kabbalat Shabbat (Hybrid)




Tzom Gedalia (Fast Day) Minyan

Community–Wide Memorial Service (Home of Peace)

Tashlich - Guy West Bridge    


Kol Nidrei


Yom Kippur

Family Services for ages 0-4 (Room 8)

Family Services for ages 9-12 (Grand Hall)

Family Services for ages 5-8 (Grand Hall)

USY Services (Chapel) 




Lightstick Parade for Children

Final Shofar     


Sukkah Building (after Morning Minyan)

Erev Sukkot 



Kiddush Lunch in the Sukkah   



Kiddush Lunch in the Sukkah   


Kiddush Lunch in the Sukkah   


Rabbi & Karina Herman Open House


Chol HaMoed Shacharit Minyan (Hybrid)

Afternoon Minyan

Chol HaMoed Shacharit Minyan (Hybrid)

Afternoon Minyan

Chol HaMoed/Hoshana Rabba Minyan (Hybrid)

Erev Shemini Atzeret

Shemini Atzeret (Hybrid)


Erev Simchat Torah

Simchat Torah

Kabbalat Shabbat 



Sukkah Tear Down (after Morning Minyan)         


Selichot-Simchat Torah Schedule 2024/5785


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