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Mosaic Law Congregation

קהילת תורת משה

Where traditional and dynamic Judaism come alive

With Pesach (Passover) as a time of questions, discussions, and celebration, please consider adding these supplements to your Seders this year in light of October 7 and its aftermath: 
Sheet Prepared by Rabbi Herman
Seder Interrupted
Bringing the Hostages to Your Seder

Prayer for the Freedom of the Hostages

We also encourage you to watch Rabbi Ricki Lobel's latest edition of The Jewish Take where she explains the symbols of Pesach in relation to the immense challenges confronting Israel this year.

This year's Sefirat Ha'Omer (Counting of the Omer) occurs from April 23-June 11.

Instructions on Counting the Omer.
Join Hadar online for 15 minutes a day, 6:00-6:15 pm, Mondays-Thursdays, May 6-June 7, for a Moment of Midrash


For the foreseeable future, our event and program information will be exclusively in the twice weekly congregational email. Click here if you are a synagogue member who does not currently receive the weekly emails and would like to be added to the list.

Am Yisrael Chai. Bring Them Home.

Making Lasting Connections 

Mosaic Law Congregation  // 








Shabbat, Holidays, Minyan

Our spirituality is lively, traditional, participatory, eclectic, and egalitarian. Wherever you are in your Jewish journey, your presence and participation are welcome.

Please share in our weekly Shabbat kiddush lunch and introduce yourself to our community. We look forward to meeting you.

Education Across the Generations

Teaching and learning across the spectrum are central to Jewish identity. We encourage participation in our many opportunities to learn together and to share your own teachings. We are proud of our Mercaz religious school and our extensive Adult Ed offerings, including our affiliation with the Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning.


We are particularly privileged to host two phenomenal libraries, the Central Valley Holocaust Educators' Network (CVHEN) and the Kashenberg, Ostrow, Hayward (KOH) Library and Cultural Center, whose extensive collections deepen our connection to our faith, people, history, and identity.   


Social Action, Cultural, Communal

Share in building a living, breathing, dynamic Judaism that values social interaction and tikkun olam, the betterment of the world.


We invite you to participate with us in shaping our community through Jewish activity and repairing the world one step at a time.

Shabbat and Holiday morning services are streamed over YouTube.
Click below to view:

Evening Shabbat and Holiday services are hybrid in person and on Zoom.
Visit The Scroll for the Zoom link.

In the off-chance of a disruption, we are monitoring the stream and will try to fix it as soon as possible

Mosaic Law recently hosted a security seminar provided
by the Sacramento County Sheriff's Department.
You can watch it here:

Rafi Myers of UC Davis Aggies for Israel D'var Torah
Ki Tisa

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